Answer the following questions to proceed to the next stage. Type your answers into the comment boxes.
  1. A large oil field was discovered near Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1905. This discovery marked the beginning of the oil industry in the Southwest region. What is the name of the oil field? ... (two words) Oil Field
  2. In which city in Texas can you find the most shopping centres per inhabitants in the United States? 
  3. American Astronauts are trained at a space centre in Texas. After which president is this space centre named? (first name + last name)
  4. Which computer company has its headquarters in Austin, Texas? 
  5. Which metal can be found in many mines in Arizona?

Moving on to the next stage

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Take the following parts from your answers and put them together without any spaces! Your password consists of four digits.

  • 1. First letter of first word   
  • 3. Second letter of first name   
  • 4. First letter   
  • 5. First letter   

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